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Did you know that Georgian kings already had personal bathrooms in the 17th century? If not, you have to visit the Archangels Complex of Gremi. Surely, the Gremi Archangels Complex is an interesting specimen of Georgian religious architecture; it is a very important historical monument from the mid-16th century and a place connected with the names of Georgian kings and queens like Queen Qetevan the Martyr, King Erekle II, and King Levan II. King Levan is buried in the Archangels’ Complex of Gremi. It is also the only remaining part of the capital of the Kakhetian kingdom, which stretched over 50 hectares and consisted of three large parts: the Archangels Complex, the king’s residence, and the merchant district. Unfortunately, two of those were totally destroyed during the invasions of Shah Abbas I, the Persian ruler who is remembered as one of the ruthless conquerors in our history, and his invasions were so devastating that in folk narrations, they are remembered even today. Gremi, as the capital of the Kakhetian kingdom, was never rebuilt or restored. Actually, nobody knows until now how the Archangels complex survived those devastating invasions or why the Shah did not destroy it. Perhaps it was an accident or some unusually strong expression of courage from the locals, but nobody knows today.


As with many other places and sights in Georgia, Gremi isn’t an exception because of the beauty of its location and architecture. Gremi is located on a hillside besides the river Intsoba. This location, together with its construction and greenish blue tiles on its dome, makes this whole place very scenic. Of course, we cannot forget the wall paintings inside the main cathedral. They do not represent a very significant part of Georgian mural paintings, but they are still impressive to see. Specifically, King Levan the II’s portrait with the Archangels in the church of Gremi.


The Archangels complex itself consists of several parts. There you can find the main church of the archangels and the defensive tower, which has been remade into a quite interesting small museum. It gives you a good overview of the history of the Kakhetian kingdom and Gremi itself, when it was the capital of the Kakhetian kingdom. This place isn’t only worth visiting for its historical exhibition; if someone likes visiting old towers that are full of narrow passages and bats, this is the perfect place for them. The tower of Gremi has two very narrow staircases that used to connect the top floor to the middle, first floor, and basement. In the Middle Ages, the tower was used for the king’s protection. Today, these narrow staircases have become a favorite place for local bats. So if you decide to visit the tower of Gremi and suddenly notice that something flies over you, don’t be scared; this is most probably one of our “friends”.


You can visit the Archangels Complex of Gremi in Kakheti. It is located on the road to Kvareli, 114 km from Tbilisi and just 20 km from Telavi. So if you are on this road, it is definitely recommended to visit Gremi. Close to Telavi, there are many places to visit and enjoy. There are historical and religious sights like the Alaverdi monastery complex, Ikalto monastery complex and academy, the Nekresi monastery complex, many local wine cellars and homes of local families that offer very authentic, traditional experiences. Telavi itself is a charming small town to visit, with its market and king’s palace. There are a number of big wine factories as well, where you can see the wine production process from the beginning until the end. The grape harvest period in Kakheti is a must-attend and must-visit time. The most authentic experience would be visiting a local family and staying with them for several days during the “Rtveli” grape harvest period, experiencing every step of this amazing tradition yourself like a local.


We are here to meet and fulfill your wishes. Here you can find tours in Kakheti, if you would like to have an authentic experience, you should text us here.


If you want to visit Kakheti yourself, you can always find public transportation at Didube Bus Terminal going to Telavi.


