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If you happen to be traveling to Kakheti from Tbilisi and use the main road of Tbilisi-Bakurtsikhe, not Gombori Pass, in 75 kilometers, you will appear in a small village called Badiauri. Badiauri is a perfect example if you want to feel the spirit of a Georgian village and everyday life, and I am not speaking about one of those charming medieval villages that you can find in Europe, because Badiauri isn’t interesting to visit for its historical or cultural value. There, you cannot see and enjoy traditional households that have been renovated, but you can see a normal modern-day Georgian village without any "filters". Yes, it may be a culture shock for you, but it is a good chance to go and say hi to the always friendly and welcoming Georgians. Historically, this village was located on a seasonal migration route for shepherds. When those shepherds would come down from the mountains, they would bring goat milk and goat cheese with them and sell these products to locals from Badiauri. The locals had advantages from their location because all of those travelers traveling to the east would pass through this village, and many of them would buy goat produce, specifically cheese and local bread. It was a good source for a quick lunch but also to bring special cheese home. This tradition has been maintained until today. Everybody knows about Badiauri; every Georgian, and now tourists as well, know and enjoy local, freshly baked Tone bread and traditional goat cheese from the mountains. Bread bakeries are another specialty of this village. You can find small tones or bread bakeries made out of clay in most houses in Badiauri. You can taste this freshly baked, slightly salty, and very crunchy traditional bread, and if you want, you can also participate or even bake your own bread from the beginning to the end. It is a very interesting but also very hot process in its literal sense, so if you don’t like heat, I warned you that this might not be a good activity for you.


It is totally recommended to visit Badiauri, especially since it is exactly on the way. Anyway, if you go to Kakheti, just stop and taste the local cheese and bread. Do not miss this chance! We, too, go to Badiauri. Join us here.

