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  • Caucasus Georgia Travel Svaneti Ushguli



Located in the northwestern part of Georgia, in the historical province of Svaneti, at 2200 meters above sea level, Ushguli is the unity of four different villages. It is a cultural heritage of UNESCO and the home of the highest peak in Georgia, Shkhara. The mesmerizing views, small chapels, and traditional towers will give every visitor an everlasting emotion. Walking the small trails of Ushguli with unique dwellings and cheerful, welcoming faces around you cannot be compared with anything else. Visiting a cinema, museum, or café created in a traditional Svanetian tower is a unique experience.




In Georgia, you will always hear legends and narrations about very brave people who never accepted the rule of lords and kings. Sometimes these stories are idealized. This rebellious and brave spirit can be felt in many parts of the Caucasus, but especially strongly in Ushguli. Ushguli was part of an area that we call "No Master Land", meaning that if in other parts of Georgia there was a typical feudal system, in Ushguli there was a totally different system where each family was equal. There were no lords or masters among the people. This is one of the reasons why many people translate Ushguli as "brave heart" or "place of brave-hearted people".


What To See


In Ushguli, you can visit the small chapel, Lamaria, which was built in the 9th century and was the main place of worship for people from Ushguli. This is also a place where rival families would agree on the conclusion of their animosity, and according to an old tradition, they would swear on an icon of Saint George. In many cases, this would mean the accomplishment of peace in the village and the end of the blood rivalry.


How To Get To


Overall, Ushguli is a must-visit place. Recommended to everyone who can handle long trips in the car. For those who don’t want to spend much time in a car, they can take a local helicopter from Natakhtari Airfield. In late spring and summer, the flights are done daily, except Saturdays, and it takes 2 hours and 40 minutes to reach Mestia.

