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  • Georgia Khevsureti Shatili Travel



Have you ever wanted to travel to somewhere very far where you could hear only the sounds of nature? To travel somewhere very close to the sky and draw into the immense space of the stars? To travel several centuries back in time and several thousand light-years in space? Then you need to visit Shatili. Yes, it is located on Earth, only several thousand light-years away. In reality, Shatili is a village located in the country of Georgia, in the Caucasus Mountains; however, when you arrive there, you feel like you are countless light years away from the chaos of modern cities.





150 km north of Tbilisi, in the municipality of Dusheti, at 1400 meters above sea level, is located the unique architectural monument and historical site of Shatili. The uniqueness of Shatili as an architectural monument lies in its construction style. Shatili, a dwelling and defensive hamlet for centuries, is located on top of a hill, and every household in the hamlet is connected with each other. The roof of one household represents the courtyard of another; therefore, without leaving the hamlet, it is possible to appear in each household. This unique construction represented a fort-hamlet. Shatili was densely settled before the XX century. In 1952, Georgian mountaineers were resettled in the lowlands. This resettlement process was especially hard on Khevsuretian people, people who inhabited Shatili. Nowadays, the whole historical province of Khevsureti, the region that used to defend the country’s northern borders, remains almost deserted. The intense beauty of the mountains in Shatili, untouched nature, and unique architecture are what attract hundreds of visitors each year. If you love hiking, nature, and discovering unique places, Shatili is waiting for you!



What To See


  • Historical Towers
  • Mutso
  • Anatori Burial Towers


